To add a user to an institution, follow these steps:

1-. Navigate to the Institutions section*.*

2-. Click on the icon (highlighted in green in the image below) of the institution that you would like to edit:


The system will display the following screen:


3-. Click the ‘New user’ button:


The system will display the following form:


4-. Fill in the user’s personal data and select the role(s) that they should have within the institution they are associated with: Event organizer, Event Official, Clerk of course.

<aside> 💡 Note: any user that is not registered as a competitor can be assigned more than one role within the institution.


5-. Finally, click the Register button.

An email will then automatically be sent to the user with log-in credentials needed to access the system.

Once the user(s) is/are added, the system will display the section of users as shown in the image below:
