The main function of the e-FLAG RACER is to assist in the monitoring and safety of those competing in a race — allowing for real-time interaction with them by way of flags, messages, and map placement.

The software is made of two parts:

The web application is the central system for event configuration and monitoring, from which messages and flags can be sent — to one or more competitors at a time — that are then received in the mobile app.

The mobile application is used by drivers throughout the competition, allowing them to receive flags and/or messages sent from the central system, as well as to send emergency alerts.

The web app allows for users to be created with the following roles:

Here is an overview of the web app's functionality across the various roles mentioned above:

1-. How are users added to an institution?

2-. How can an institution’s users be edited?

3-. How are users eliminated from an institution?

4-. How can an institution’s licence information be viewed?

5-. How are categories created?

6-. How can categories be edited?